Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ujung Negoro Beach

A nature enchantment with a little trouble from human is shown in this photograph of Ujung Negoro beach. TThis is a beach located in Ujungnegoro, Batang Regency, Central Java. You can see the sand, the stones, the clean seawater, the unpoluted sky, the nature-planted trees and bushes there. You will not see any tourist and of course any trash in this beach .
(This picture was taken on the way from Semarang to Pekalongan on the New Kaligung train in the morning in 2009)

Pesona alam yang sedikit terkena sentuhan manusia tergambar dalam potret pantai Ujung Negoro, kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah. Tak ada turis ataupun pengunjung dan juga tak ada sampah di sana. Yang ada hanyalah laut, ombak, pasir, batu karang, pepohonan, semak belukar, serta langit yang bersih.
(foto ini diambil dalam perjalanan di KA Kaligung Semarang-Pekalongan pagi hari pada tahun 2009)


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