Students, have you read a complaint and suggestion column in a newsletter? The contents of this column are written by the readers who want to claim or give suggestion for some cases.
Most of these written form are in form of hortatory exposition text.
Do you want to know more about this genre?
OK. This is an explanation about Hortatory Exposition Text.
Social function: to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Generic structure:
• Thesis: an announcement of issue of concern
• Arguments: reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
• Recommendation: statement of what ought or ought not to happen
Lexicogrammatical features:
• Focus on generic human and non-human participants• Us of mental processes, material processes, and relational processes
• Use of simple present tense
Attention, please. Follow the activities given for you.
Activity 1: Pre-Listening
Hello, students.
I bring you an opportunity to guess the words’ name of the given statement.
Click this CROSSWORD to take the opportunity.
Pay attention: To see the question, you must click the number in the box.
Good luck!
Activity 2: Whilst-Listening
Well, students. Now, it’s your time to listen to a passage. The passage is a hortatory explanation text. Please listen to the passage.
To measure your understanding of the passage, please take an opportunity below.
Instruction: Give mark T (TRUE) for statement which is correct based to the passage, and give F (FALSE) for statement which is not correct according to the passage.
a. In the country the car won’t polluted the air, but in the city the car will. (….)
b. There are a few cars through the country. (….)
c. In the city you can see cars in every minute. (….)
d. Because there is no public transportation to fall back upon in country, so every people there must have vehicles. (….)
e. The country people and the city people should be treated different because of the distance and the need of petrol. (….)
Activity3: Post-Listening
Look at the picture below. Choose a picture correspond to the statement given.
For example: Picture A >> Hm, yummy! I get a lot of sweet-cake today.
picture 1

picture 2
taken from: http://ada-akbar.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/05-01-polusi-udara.jpg
picture 3
taken from: http://t2.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/00/63/85/400_F_638579_bAC8nStYz9JFY0eocPi1Aym5jtCdnb.jpg
taken from: http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1672R-7742
picture 5
picture 6
1. There is a sticking in the city roads.
2. You will see another car in five or ten minute in country.
3. There will be a gas station in some miles.
4. There is a disorder in a city road.
5. There is no gas station in country.
6. Car pollution in city road.
Congratulation! You have already finished your activities. Now it’s time for you to serve your answers of the questions above in the comment box. (^^)/
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