Saturday, March 26, 2011

Listening Section- Hortatory Exposition Text


Students, have you read a complaint and suggestion column in a newsletter? The contents of this column are written by the readers who want to claim or give suggestion for some cases.
Most of these written form are in form of hortatory exposition text.
Do you want to know more about this genre?
OK. This is an explanation about Hortatory Exposition Text.

Social function: to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Generic structure:

• Thesis: an announcement of issue of concern
• Arguments: reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
• Recommendation: statement of what ought or ought not to happen
Lexicogrammatical features:
• Focus on generic human and non-human participants
• Us of mental processes, material processes, and relational processes
• Use of simple present tense


Attention, please. Follow the activities given for you. 

Activity 1: Pre-Listening

Hello, students.
I bring you an opportunity to guess the words’ name of the given statement.
Click this CROSSWORD to take the opportunity.

Pay attention: To see the question, you must click the number in the box.

Good luck!

Activity 2: Whilst-Listening

Well, students. Now, it’s your time to listen to a passage. The passage is a hortatory explanation text. Please listen to the passage.

To measure your understanding of the passage, please take an opportunity below.

Instruction: Give mark T (TRUE) for statement which is correct based to the passage, and give F (FALSE) for statement which is not correct according to the passage.

a. In the country the car won’t polluted the air, but in the city the car will. (….)
b. There are a few cars through the country. (….)
c. In the city you can see cars in every minute. (….)
d. Because there is no public transportation to fall back upon in country, so every people there must have vehicles. (….)
e. The country people and the city people should be treated different because of the distance and the need of petrol. (….)

Activity3: Post-Listening

Look at the picture below. Choose a picture correspond to the statement given.

For example: Picture A >> Hm, yummy! I get a lot of sweet-cake today. 

picture 1

picture 2
taken from:

picture 3 
taken from:
picture 4
taken from:

picture 5

picture 6


1. There is a sticking in the city roads.
2. You will see another car in five or ten minute in country.
3. There will be a gas station in some miles.
4. There is a disorder in a city road.
5.  There is no gas station in country.
6. Car pollution in city road.

Congratulation! You have already finished your activities. Now it’s time for you to serve your answers of the questions above in the comment box. (^^)/

Genre: Hortatory Exposition

GOOD DAY! (^^)/

Students, have you read a complaint and suggestion column in a newsletter? The contents of this column are written by the readers who want to claim or give suggestion for some cases.
Most of these written form are in form of hortatory exposition text.
Do you want to know more about this genre?
OK. This is an explanation about Hortatory Exposition Text.

Social function: to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Generic structure:

• Thesis: an announcement of issue of concern
• Arguments: reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
• Recommendation: statement of what ought or ought not to happen
Lexicogrammatical features:
• Focus on generic human and non-human participants
• Us of mental processes, material processes, and relational processes
• Use of simple present tense

Transcription of the audio

Removing Lead from Petrol
In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country. While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads. Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about. I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.
Taken from: Making Sense of Functional Grammar

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Try, God Bless Me

I try
I am trying
I tried
I have tried
I have been trying
so far
and keep on trying
never give up trying
until I get what I want

Hope God give me the way..
Coz I believe
God see
have seen
have been seeing
I try
I tried
I have tried
I have been trying
and keep trying..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Collecting Harry Potter

Derry slept in his desk. He slept on his Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book. He was tired after had played basketball in the physical lesson time. So, he felt asleep when he read the book.

Derry, a student of a state senior high school in Van Java city, indeed he was crazy about Harry Potter. Since his friend told about the novel and borrowed him the novel, he was falling in love with Harry Potter. Although he did not have enough money to buy the book, he has read all the series of the book which has came up. Sure he borrowed it from his friend, whoever had the book.

While closed the book, Derry looked at the Harry Potter clock in front of him and raised it. He observed the Harry Potter’s face, coat, and suitcase, the owl and even the chair that Harry sits on. He held the statue of Harry Potter sits on a chair and holds his owl and suitcase. It is called a Harry Potter clock because it has a circle clock on the top. Who knows what he thought at that time.

When he saw the hand of clock showed 16.05 pm, he stood up from his desk and took his Harry Potter towel. Yeah, his towel was pictured Harry was flying on his broomstick chasing snitch.

Fifteen minutes later, Derry came out of bathroom. He opened his wardrobe. When he was choosing his clothes, his phone cellular was ringing. He took his phone, looked at the scene, and pressed the buttons. Seemingly, he just had a short message and replied it. Then, Derry back to his wardrobe and saw at his clothes. Wow! Harry Potter again! Not only one, but there were five T-shirts pictured Harry Potter and logo of Wizard School.

“What is the T-shirt I want to wear today?” Derry mumbled.

He pulled out the black folding T-shirt. He wore it and then took the blue donker one which is covered by plastic.

“I think Raka will love this one,” Derry thought.

Thirty minute later, Derry’s friend came.

“Please wait me a minute. I am thirsty. I want to drink. Do you want me bring a glass of water for you?” said Derry.

“Yes, please,” replied the friend.

Derry brought two mugs of water.

“Wow! Harry Potter! Where you got it?” asked the friend when he saw a mug pictured Harry Potter.

“I got it at Waw Waw, a Studio Store in London,” said Derry.

“Really?” the friend was so astonished.

“Come on! We have to go now,” said Derry.

Derry and his friend went to a movie to watch Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire movie. In the way to Van Bali, they stopped. Derry’s blue T-shirt was left behind. They back to Van Java to take it. Derry want to give it to his bestfriend, so he had to back home.

Derry came into his house. He was very surprised as he saw the room was very messy. “What’s happened here?” Derry confused. He became panic when he saw his bedroom was in the same boat. He felt down when he did not saw his Harry Potter clock on the desk. He opened his wardrobe and he did not found his Harry Potter T-shirts.

“How about my Harry Potter mugs, my Harry Potter towel, my Harry Potter bag, my Harry Potter cap, my Harry Potter picture frames? Where are they?” asked Derry sadly.

“Why is your room so messy like this?” asked Derry’s friend who just came into the room.

“I don’t know. Please, help me search my Harry Potter things,” Derry was about to cry.

“I’ll help you, don’t worry,” replied the friend.

“What are you looking for?” there was a heavy sound.

Derry surprised hearing the strange sound, “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

“I am Voldemort. I am looking for all things that related to Harry Potter and shatter them till no residue of it in this world,” said the strange man.

“What? Vol-Vol-Voldemort??? I can’t believe it!” yelled Derry and his friend were agape with surprise.

Voldemort just smiled scornful at the two boys. He took Harry Potter book. He turned away. When he turned away, there was a flaming. Voldemort stepped toward the flaming. He wanted to thrown away the book into the fire. He smiled to the Derry who was really shock.

“Don’t do it, please!” whimpered Derry.

“Don’t do it! Don’t disturb me! Don’t disturb my Harry Potters, please!” said Derry grabbed and boosted the Voldemort.

Derry looked angry at Voldemort. He fought Voldemort. He tried to kick, scratch out, and hit Voldemort.

His friend reached Derry’s hand and tried to estrange him from Voldemort. But Derry struggled to get loose from his friend. He wanted to defeat Voldemort. He kept try to hit Voldemort. Wilder he tried, stronger his friend’s hand hold him. Finally he was tired. He just sit down with his sweat flowed on his face. He was having difficulty breathing.

Loomed Derry heard laughing sound around him.


Derry looked around him. He was very surprised found his classmates laughing at him. He was confused. He saw his teacher in front of him looked at him smiled.

As soon as he realized that he was hugging Harry Potter novel, he remembered that he met Voldemort. ‘oh, maybe I dreamt till I make noise in this class,’ he thought.

“Hehehehehe,” he was giggling to cover his ashamed.

Kantong Plastik Hitam

Masih ingat pelajaran SD/SMP/SMA baheula kala tentang sampah organik dan sampah anorganik? Sadar atau tidak, sebenarnya selama ini kita sudah menyumbang banyak polusi darat alias sampah di bumi kita tercinta. Masih mending kalau sampah itu jenisnya sampah organik, sampah yang bisa membusuk back to nature. Nah, kalau jenis sampahnya  anorganik yang tidak bisa terurai dan diurai, mau bagaimana coba?? Padahal sampah yang dihasilkan manusia, seperti kita-kita ini, kebanyakan adalah sampah anorganik seperti plastik dan kawan-kawannya.

Mari kita tengok kasus “ kantong plastik hitam” di lingkungan kos mahasiswa. Tiap hari anak-anak kos yang tidak masak sendiri alias beli makan di warung selalu mendapat bonus plastik hitam untuk membungkus barang atau makanan yang dibeli. Nah, plastik itu kan tidak ikut dimakan dalam artian dibuang begitu saja. Sekarang mari berhitung berapa banyak kantong plastik hitam yang dibuang oleh anak-anak kosan. Biasanya anak kos makan 2 kali sehari,banyak juga yang makan 3 kali sehari. Nah dalam sehari, 1 anak ‘ngasih’ sampah ke bumi kita 2 atau 3 plastik. Dikali jumlah penghuni kos. Dikali jumlah kos-kosan yang ada di area itu. sepertinya banyak sekali kan? Itu masih dalam hitungan sehari, lalu bagaimana kalau berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun? Gunungpati bisa kaya kan? Kaya akan sampah plastik! Itu juga masih pada kisaran “kantong plastik hitam”, belum merambah pada kantong-kantong plastik yang lain.

Lalu kemana larinya sampah-sampah tak terurai itu?  Di bakar? Membakar sampah  yang mengandung bahan-bahan kimia tak ramah lingkungan itu tentu saja malah menambah polusi, yaitu polusi udara. Di daur ulang? Apa iya? Sepertinya jarang sekali pemulung yang mau mengambil plastik-plastik hitam itu.

Sebenarnya bisa saja kita meminimalisir kesia-siaan kantong plastik tadi. Dengan mengusahakan plastik tidak terkena minyak/tumpahan makanan, maka kantong plastik yang masih bersih itu biasa kita simpan untuk digunakan kembali kalau kita butuh. Atau bisa saja plastic-paltik yang kita dapatkan itu dikumpulkan dan disimpan secara rapi. Setelah terkumpul banyak, kita bisa memberikannya lagi pada penjual-penjual makanan. Jika hal ini bisa dilakukan secara merata oleh mahasiswa, khususnya anak-anak kos, insyaallah limbah plastik yang mengotori dan merusak bumi dapat dikurangi. Dan secara langsung, kita telah berpatisipasi menyelamatkan bumi dan didi kita sendiri dari dampak global warming.

Asal mula kata NARSIS


Ketika berlibur bersama teman-teman Isichi di Owabong dan Baturraden, aku dibilang teman-temanku kalau aku jadi narsis.

“ Masa sih? Ah, perasaan enggak deh,” jawabku waktu itu.
“Iya, beneran kok. Dari foto-foto yang aku liat kemarin di komputernya Willy, foto-fotomu itu banyak banget. Sumpah! Kamu kok berubah jadi narsis gitu sih,” kata salah satu temanku.
Gitu ya? Hehe,” aku nyengir.

Haha! Narsis?? Narsis itu apa sih? Makanan macam mana tuh? Hohoho..

Kata “narsis” bukanlah kata yang asing lagi di telinga para muda. Kata “narsis” tidak bisa ditemukan dalam kamus B.Inggris maupun B.Indonesia mungkin karena merupakan istilah baru dalam perbendaharaan kosakata manusia khususnya orang Indonesia. Akantetapi percayalah dalam waktu mendatang istilah tersebut akan terpampang di antara jajaran kata dalam kamus nasional kita. Atau sudah? Hm, tak tahu aku.

Kalau boleh mendefinisikan sendiri, aku akan mengatakan bahwa narsis itu adalah cara seseorang mengaktualisasikan dirinya secara berlebihan, baik melalui foto, tutur kata, maupun tingkah laku agar ia diperhatikan orang lain. Kurang lebih seperti itulah pendapatku.

Istilah “narsis” memang sudah cukup lama bergaung di kehidupan kita. Namun, tahukah kita dari mana asal mula kata narsis? Hm, sepertinya menarik untuk ditelusuri. Hayuh kita simak cerita sang Narsis yang dikutip dari majalah Intisari edisi April 1999 halaman 81 paragraf 1.

Dalam mitologi Yunani terdapat seorang pemuda yang dikenal sangat tampan. Namanya Narcissus. Banyak gadis jatuh cinta padanya. Namun, tak satu pun yang dia terima, termasuk cinta peri Echo. Akibat kesombongannya, para Dewa mengutuk Narcissus akan kasmaran pada bayangan wajahnya sendiri yang terpantul di kolam Gunung Helicon di Yunani. Kutukan itu pun terjadi. Berhari-hari Narcissus berbaring di tepi kolam, lupa makan dan minum. Ia hanya menatap bayangan wajahnya sendiri dengan penuh cinta. Bahkan hingga ajal menjemputnya. Ketika orang-orang mencarinya, yang ada hanya bunga yang kini dikenal dengan bunga Narcissus. Echo, yang merana karena cintanya tak terbalas, menjelma menjadi gema suara di hutan.

Hmm, jadi begitu ya. Narsis, cinta pada bayangan sendiri??

Isichi : sebutan untuk kelas IPS 1 SMANSA Pekalongan angkatan ’05.
Mitologi : ilmu tentang bentuk sastra yang memuat dongen suci mengenai perikehidupan para dewa dan makhkuk ghaib.

The Book of Totally Useless Information

h keyboard,
Title           : The Book of Totally Useless Information
Writer       : Don Voorhees
Year           : 1993
Publisher  : MJF Books
Pages         : 189 pages

Have you ever ask why typewriter or keyboard keys are not arranged in alphabetical order? If you want to know the answer, open “The Book of Totally Useless Information”. There you will find the answer. This is the answer based on that useless information book. The first practical typewriter was built in 1867 by Christopher Latham Sholes. These original typewriter models did have their keys in more or less alphabetical order. The one little problem with this arrangement was that the early typists become so proficient that the keys would jam up because they typed too fast. To slow down the typists, the keys were rearranged into a diabotically difficult pattern. Sholes’ first typewriter was designed for use with two fingers. Because of the rearranged key pattern, typists learned to use all ten fingers. Although the key arrangement was difficult, some typists are still capable of typing over 170 words per minute in manual typewriters. In 1936, August Dvorak designed a more efficient keyboard to speed up productivity and reduce typing fatigue and frustation. But the Dvorak’s pattern did not produced because of World War II. Until now the keyboard keys are not rearranged into alphabetical order.
You have known the answer of that question which may never you think to be asked. Many of everything you never wanted to know about everything and did not think to ask are in Don Voorhees’ book. There you will find useless information that you never ask even think before.
The Book of Totally Usaeless Information is the first book of Don Voorhees. Don Voorhees is a composer and conductor. Not only keen on music, but also he keen on reading. He has collected interesting stories and bits of information continually over the years. And finally he wrote some books contained the result of countless hours of his reading and PBS viewing. Other books written by Don are: The Essential Book of Useless Information, The Perfectly Useless Book of Information, Disgusting Things: A Miscellany, and many others.
The title of the book make me wonder and curious. How come a book is tittled “The Book of Totally Useless Information” rather than “The Book of Totally Usefull Information”. It is one of the interesting thing in this book. The tittle of the book make me curious to open and read the content of the book. Is the content truly useless information or not?
The second interesting thing of this useless information book is the content of the book. It contains questions and answers information. The information are not inept information. The content of this book are most of about everything that we never think about them. The content very rarely exist in other books, radios, televisions, magazines, or other media. By read this book, your knowledge will increase. By read this book, you will know something that other people know even think about it.
This book contains various knowledge, starts from culture, science, politics, legends, histories, environments, sports, and many others. Some of the content in this book are delivered in communicative language, but some of them are explained in boring way. Just like as we read explanation in science book. Not all people like and understand this way. But, it must be interesting for whom that keen on science exploration. Not only about science, the weaknesses of this book are seen when the book talk about culture or history of mostly western society. This cannot be understood easily by eastern readers. But, it can be usefull for readers to know more about western countries and societies.
The content of the book are really totally give useless information because we do not search everything we think to ask in this book. This book just delivered everything we did not think to ask. We do not know what will we get from that book until we read it by ourselves.
This book is for all ages. It does not matter for children to read this useless information book, but I think the contain and the language of this book cannot be understood well by children. Have you, your children, your pals, or your neighbor ever think and ask:
·        Why is the sky blue?
·        Who was “Uncle Sam”?
·        Why do we celebrate Halloween?
·        Why are aristrocrats called “blue bloods”?
·        Why do symbols and represents male and female?
·        Why is pink for girls and blue for boys?
And, of course
·        What do initials OK stands for?
The answers are in “The Book of Totally Useless Information”

Friday, March 4, 2011

Totto-Chan review

Review Totto-Chan

         Title         : Totto-chan,
                              The Little Girl at the
         Author     : Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
         Publisher  : PT Gramedia Pustaka
         Printed                : I, April 2008
         Bold Books     : 272 pages

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi  (born August 9, 1933 in Tokyo) is an internationally famous Japanese actress, a talk show host, a best-selling author of children book, a World Wide Fund for Nature advisor, and a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. She is well-known for her charitable works, and is considered as one of the first Japanese celebrities who achieved international recognition.

She wrote about the school called Tomoe and Sosaku Kobayashi, the man who founded and ran it because she wants to show to as many people what sort of man Mr. Kobayashi was, his great love for children, and how he set about educating them. So, it is recommended to be read for: adult, parents, and actors involved in education.

This engaging series of childhood recollections tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railway wagon for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man--its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi --who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity.

In real life, the Totto-chan of the book has become one of Japan's most popular television personalities - Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. She attributes her success in life to this wonderful school and its headmaster. The charm of this account has won the hearts of millions of people of all ages and made this book a runaway best seller in Japan, with sales hitting the 4.5 million mark in its first year.

Tetsuko (which has a small name Totto-chan) starts the story when she was expelled from a school because she called street musicians when teaching and learning activities are in progress. Totto-chan was lucky to have a mother who is very wise so that the mother moved to another school without notifying Totto-chan the real reason.

Totto-chan’s new elementary school named Tomoe was not the same as other primary schools. Class just carried on train were 'transformed' into classes. Not only that, the school was also applying the rule in which each child could choose their own arrangement of their lessons on that day. If children started school with a lesson that they enjoyed, of the teaching-learning activities would be more lively and fun.

Totto-chan found pleasure in this new school. Totto-chan and friends really enjoyed their days in Tomoe. They studied, played, showed their expression, and interacted to each other in their personality. Their teacher taught them with love and high spirit.

Some of the interesting, strange, and valuable things in this school were:
         Teaching and learning activities were not done in a monotony in the classroom but also done while walking. In the event "the streets", the children also received valuable lessons about science, history, and biology as well;
         Mr. Kobayashi invited a farmer's field as a 'teacher'. Mr. Kobayashi did not care about whether or not certificated teachers. The farmer taught the students about farming directly;
          English was learned in Tomoe although America was the enemy outside Tomoe and English was the language of the enemy that no longer taught in schools;
         The children wore old clothes so as not to get yelled at if they were dirty or torn clothing;
         The children were asked to bring “something from the ocean and something from the mountains” as a complement to rice; etc.

Although those activities seem strange to people outside Tomoe, those activities are valuable learning process.

Teaching of Euritmik, music education through the rhythms to form a personality that was rhythmic. How, the children must have moved to the rhythm of music played Mr. Kobayashi. Mr. Kobayashi believed that this lesson would work to help children developed their personalities by nature.

When the students had been enjoying their life in Tomoe, the situation became very difficult when the last world war and the bombs began to fall in Japan. On one day Tomoe on fire. Many of bombs hit railway wagon that served as classrooms. Surprisingly, Mr. Kobayashi stayed calm and just said to his children at his side, “Will we rebuild Tomoe someday?"

This book has some special quality, such as:
         using simple language. There is only a few of idiom. So that, it can be understood easily,
         very attractive, the style of story telling so live. When we are reading the novel, it feels like we see the events by ourselves,
         a lot of stories that show so funny, foolish and smooth child’s behavior. These can make us smile even till laugh.

On the other hand, as a novel, this book has the weakness. In some paragraphs this book like as a teaching method book which describes a teaching method. So, when we read these parts, it feels that we are reading a teaching method theory book, not reading a novel.

We know that there is nothing perfect in this world. Not exception for Totto-chan, The Little Girl at the Window. But, I say salute for Tetsuko Kuroyanagi that wrote this nice novel.